
Affordable Fashion for Men — 5 Must-Follow Rules

The term affordable fashion for men sounds alien to ears. Ever wondered why?

Well, because it is rarely talked about.

Yet, men are men, and men love the idea of appearing fashionable on a budget.

And why won’t they when it is only rational? However, men’s tendency towards looking dope at a fraction sometimes becomes a hindrance to their own goals.

This blog shall serve as a budget style guide for all those men who want to cut a dash without breaking the bank.

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Yves Saint Laurent was pretty much spot on when he said that dressing is a way of life.

There is no controversy in the idea that your personality depends a lot on the way you dress (of course, right?).

However, it is no less than an uphill task to look dapper all the time, given the expenses involved.

The struggle is real for self-conscious men who refuse to give in on their appearance.

But, whenever fashion comes under discussion, women take the lead.

That motivates many people to ask the following question.

Who Is More Fashionable, Men or Women?

Well, ladies are generally regarded as fashionistas, whereas gents have a reputation of being careless about their looks.

But that is a misconception, even if seems correct.

In fact, men love dressing up, but they want to do it at minimum expense. Unlike women who love splashing out money like anything to get their hands on their favorite fashion products.

Therefore, men can be attributed as equally fashionable like women, but with a different set of choices.

If you find yourself falling in the same category and are eager to know how you can adopt affordable fashion for men and look like a million dollars at a fraction, let’s us help you.

Following are some of the best tips handpicked by our men’s fashion experts to help you rediscover yourself.

Rule #1. Know the Fashion You Want

Well, here we go!

This the first step towards your fashionable-self. That necessarily means you sort out your choices.

For instance, if you have allocated $100 to spend on clothes, would you rather buy 10 dollar shirts from a low-cost store like Target or go for a single sweater from an expensive brand like Neiman Marcus?

Basically, it works either way. Yet, the majority of men like the idea of going for the fancy option.

The best strategy that we would suggest is to find the middle ground. A $50 sweater with 5 shirts would do the trick for you.

This way, you get the perfect mix of quality and quantity and get closer to your dream look.

Rule #2. Inspect Your Wardrobe and Review What You Already Have

Men have some favorite colors, and they buy the same-colored stuff again n again. This practice results in the accumulation of single-colored dresses in their closet.

If the same is the case facing you, then you desperately need to face your wardrobe in turn.

And if the results are something like the following, you need some serious reshuffling. If you…

  • have tons of blue things, but none red.
  • literally own 100 t-shirts but zero date-worthy clothes.
  • discovered some pants you never wore because they needed ironing.
  • have nice dress shoes, but they are as old as your first job.

Such results paint a worrisome picture and presents enough evidence to let you know what you are lacking in your bid to make a fashion statement.

Rule #3. Get Rid of Old Clothes: Sale or Trade Them

Now that you know what you have but don’t need to be there, it is time to follow the next rule.

Affordable fashion for men suffers a great setback due to men’s proneness to keep the same old clothes for ages just because they don’t feel like shopping.


Less do they realize that their clothes can become their identity.

The best way to see them off is to sell or trade them. You can auction your extra stuff on eBay, Facebook neighborhood sale groups, or at thrift stores.

This would gain you a pretty penny, which you can spend to meet your new fashion goals.

Rule #4. Shop the Classics

Rule three did you two favors, decluttered our wardrobe, and filled your pocket with bucks.

So, what now?

Now is the time to actually make the best out of the affordable fashion for men by shopping some classics. To kick-off, first, make a list of all the items that would make a dream wardrobe for you.

It is up to you if you want to fill a small closet with high-quality, expensive clothes or a massive closet with low-quality, cheap clothes.

Again, our fashion experts suggest that you should be filling a medium-sized closet with decent outfits.

And when you decide to purchase, go for classics and give them a touch of latest trends.

For instance, get a perfectly fitting pair of pants coupled with a no-wrinkle shirt and match them with a vest or a bow tie.

The classic look is timeless, and you can always make it more interesting by adding your own unique flair.

Rule #4. Shop the Classics

Rule three did you two favors, decluttered our wardrobe, and filled your pocket with bucks.

So, what now?

Now is the time to actually make the best out of the affordable fashion for men by shopping some classics. To kick-off, first, make a list of all the items that would make a dream wardrobe for you.

It is up to you if you want to fill a small closet with high-quality, expensive clothes or a massive closet with low-quality, cheap clothes.

Again, our fashion experts suggest that you should be filling a medium-sized closet with decent outfits.

And when you decide to purchase, go for classics and give them a touch of latest trends.

For instance, get a perfectly fitting pair of pants coupled with a no-wrinkle shirt and match them with a vest or a bow tie.

The classic look is timeless, and you can always make it more interesting by adding your own unique flair.


What do you think?

Written by william jhoan

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